photo credit: Justin K. Kim

Jason Byassee is the senior minister of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church in Toronto, Ontario.
He was previously a full professor and the inaugural holder of the Butler Chair in Homiletics and Biblical Hermeneutics at the Vancouver School of Theology in British Columbia. His primary vocation is to reinvigorate today’s church with the best of ancient and contemporary wisdom for creatively faithful living.
He is the author or editor of a number of books, including, most recently, Northern Lights: Resurrecting Church in the North of England, with Ross Lockhart, Better than Brunch: Missional Churches in Cascadia (both with Cascade) and Surprised by Jesus Again (Eerdmans). His work has appeared in Christianity Today, Theology Today, Books & Culture, Sojourners, and First Things. He is the editor of the nine-volume Pastoring for Life series with Baker Academic. It includes his own book with Andria Irwin, Following: Embodied Discipleship in a Digital Age (Baker).
He was previously senior pastor of Boone United Methodist Church in Boone, North Carolina. There he directed eight other pastoral staff members, led a staff of sixteen, and pastored a congregation of 1500 from five worshiping communities. He has also served as pastor of a small, rural congregation in NC, as interim preacher at First Baptist Vancouver, and as preacher to the English-speaking congregation at Chinese Presbyterian in Vancouver.
He is married to Jaylynn Warren Byassee, a fellow Methodist minister from the US, who is presently pastoring at Kingsway-Lambton United Church in Toronto. Together they have three boys, ages 20, 19, and 16. Things break in their house.